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Iron Bark


Ironbark comes from trees belonging to the Eucalyptus family.  It has a dark and deeply furrowed bark. The Ironbark tree does not shed it’s bark like many other Eucalyptus trees, instead the dead bark continues to accumulate on the tree giving the ironbark its characteristically dark furrowed trunk it is recognised for.


Apart from being an excellent firewood choice, ironbark is also used in wharf and bridge construction, railway sleepers, fencing, house framing, flooring and joinery among other things.


Ironbark is considered a premium firewood.  It is slow burning, gives great heat, produces fantastic coals and is low ash, keeping your fireplace and flue clean.  These qualities make Ironbark a very popular choice.


In a nutshell:

  • Difficult to cut and split

  • Burns hotter than most other firewood types

  • Maintains a steady burning bed of hot coals

  • Ideal for cooking and grilling

  • Low ash, keeping your fireplace and flue healthy

Yellow Box


Yellowbox also comes from trees belonging to the Eucalyptus family.  It’s trunk has a light grey appearance.  Due to the density of the yellowbox timber it is used for heavy construction, poles, sleepers and fencing.  It is also used for furniture and of course, firewood.


Yellowbox is also considered a premium firewood.  It is slow burning, gives great heat, produces great coals and is low ash, keeping maintenance of your fireplace and flue to a minimum.  Another popular choice.


While Yellowbox, in our opinion is the hottest, longest burning wood making it ideal for overnight, it is almost impossible to start your fire with.   We will only sell this as part of a mix and not on it's own as you will need to have your fire well-established with a good bed of coals to throw your Yellowbox onto...


In a nutshell:

  • Difficult to cut and split

  • Burns hotter than most other firewood types

  • Maintains a steady burning bed of hot coals

  • Ideal for cooking and grilling

  • Low ash, keeping your fireplace and flue healthy

  • Not suitable for starting your fire

  • Great overnight wood - dense and long burning 

Red Gum


‘Redgum’ or ‘river red gum’ is another premium firewood option.  Redgum is also from the Eucalyptus family and has long been used for firewood in Australia. 


Redgum timber is best known for it’s beautiful deep red colour, it is also renowned for its density and grain.

Again, being a hardwood and being readily available, redgum is used for a large range of applications, including construction, railway sleepers, flooring, framing, fencing, wood turning, charcoal production and of course firewood.

Like ironbark and yellowbox, redgum burns hotter for longer than it’s softer counterparts thanks to its dense and compact properties.  It is excellent for producing a slow, gentle fire, perfect for those chilly afternoons where staying in and watching a movie is a priority. 


Unlike lighter and softer woods which initially blaze brightly and give off large flames (but burn out fairly quickly), redgum burns hotter and will give a low and gentle burn that lasts longer.  This means using less material to keep your fire alive, and without the need to constantly feed the fire as often to keep it going.


In a nutshell:

  • Difficult to cut and split

  • Burns hotter than most other firewood types

  • Maintains a steady burning bed of hot coals

  • Ideal for cooking and grilling

  • Low ash, keeping your fireplace and flue healthy

  • Produces smoke that is aromatic

Eco Mix

Our Ecomix consists of a mixture of hardwood timbers, including Bluegum, Mountain Ash, Lemon-Scented Gum, Angophra, Blackbutt and Redgum.  


We do not mix any pine type timbers or treated timbers in our Ecomix.

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