Before you know it the weather will be cooling down and we will all be keeping toasty warm in front of our fireplaces.
But how healthy is your fireplace??? Soot and creosite build up in your fireplace and flue throughout the burning season can dramatically effect the functionality of your fireplace.
Having a qualified Chimney Sweep service and check your fireplace and flue regularly is definitely worthwhile in order to have your fireplace perform to maximum efficiency. By all means, fireplaces and flues or chimneys don't necessarily need to be serviced each year, but it is recommended to at least have an inspection done annually for peace of mind. Frequency of servicing will depend on a number of factors, including how often you use your fireplace, what sort of wood you use and the condition of seals and flue system.
A qualified Chimney Sweep can diagnose this upon inspection of your fireplace. Why do we need to remove creosite and soot from our fireplace system? Besides making an annoying mess if it gets into your home, soot is a lung irritant and can cause health problems. Creosite, which is more of a concern can be detrimental to your health as it is a carcinogenic.
Creosite build-up is primarily caused by inadequate air flow within your fireplace/flue system. When there is inadequate air flow the wood is not burned completely and smolders and smokes (this also happens when attempting to burn green wood). This causes toxic particles via smoke to accumulate on the inside of your flue. If not cleaned, the creosite will continue to attach and build up on the inside of your flue restricting air flow.
Creosite is also highly flammable. Having a creosite blockage in your flue system could not only cost you fire damage to your flue, but to your home too.
We are happy to recommend a chimney sweep who we have personally used. Message us for details.
Above: Creosite build-up inside flue
Above: Creosite ash removed from flue
Above: A healthy well-oxygenated fire